Monday, October 3, 2016

Pack Up & Bug Off!

As the leaves begin to change to their warm kaleidoscope of colors, the wind gets a bit cooler and everywhere you look it's 'pumpkin spice' this or that, do you have the foresight to think about what's on your winter vacation packing list?  Before you stow away your sundresses, flip flops and swim suits be sure to leave out a weeks worth of outfits and throw them in your suitcase NOW so you are ready for an impromptu Divine Destination!  Have a few things in your closet you'd rather toss to Goodwill?  Why not pack those away in your suitcase to literally wear one last time and leave the clothes for the maids?  Guaranteed you'll bless them with these new 'exotic' clothes from America!  And as a bonus, you'll have an empty suitcase to fill with fun souvenirs and memories from your vacation.

With the buzz surrounding Zika, pun intended, what is your defense strategy?  Yes, most of the reputable resorts are spraying twice daily but what if they aren't?  Or worse, what if you find out you have the sweet blood the mosquitoes love?  The good news is, you can overcome!  I was recently perusing the garden section at my local big box looking for some clearance deals on flower pots and other seasonal items when I was stopped dead in my tracks when I saw these:

Last year when the kids and I went to Mystic Mountain to zip line and bobsled through the mosquito infested hills of Jamaica, guess who forgot repellent?  I shelled out $5 each for these yellow spiral bracelets.  Today, in the clearance aisle I can buy them for a mere 10 cents a piece! That's 98% off of retail!  They pack well and serve their purpose.  Not much of a fashion statement, but they do the job.  Prefer to not wear your repellent as part of your overall look?  Then these little gems are for you:

I never leave to the tropics without these handy wipes.  Although my days of carrying baby wet wipes are over, I now arm myself (and my ankles) with OFF! wet wipes.  They have become my staple and since I've discovered these I no longer am the 'girl with the polka dot legs' as one sweet man made up a song about me while rafting down the Martha Brae searching for aloe plants to calm my bit up legs!

So your bags are packed and you've armed yourself with some of the best products to keep the bugs away.  Now the only thing left is to book that Divine Destination!  We'd love to help you escape Old Man Winter this year, but as they say, the early bird gets the worm!  Don't wait too long - call us or click here to get started planning your vacation.  We'll do the work and all you have to do is pack your bags!

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